Season End 2017

Holy moly… WE MADE IT! With December upon us, it’s time for us to hang up travel bags and settle down for a long winter’s nap. We’ll be “closed” from December 8, 2017 to January 6, 2018. We’ve been to TWENTY EVENTS this year alone and we’re beat! That doesn’t include the classes! No fretting now! There’s good news!
Throughout the year, we were pretty sneaky! We made a bunch of new things and just sent them out into the world. Wellllllllll……We’ve got the reports back and we’re ready to bring you some new stuff in the new year!
- Small Batch Hand Poured Artisan & Conjure Soaps – Looking for discreet Magique? Here it is! Wash that condition right out of your life!
- Small Batch Conjure Incense – These are made with carbon neutral incense sticks that are oppression free! After the three day making & blessing process, we’re happy to bring you a few varieties. Be careful! A little goes a long way!
- New Oils & Sprays – we have a few new oils, sprays as well!
- Washes & Tinctures – So excited! Once word got out about these, I have barely been able to keep up!
With all the good news, there comes some that’s not so good. As the Beaux Magique line of products has more than doubled, we’re forced to retire some of our products. This means that we won’t carry them to every show. However, they will stay on our website for purchase. Don’t worry! We *never* throw away a recipe!

Oh yes, there’s more!
We’ve got Pop Up Shops in Toronto planned as 2018 opens! Be sure to sign up for the Beaux Magique spam free newsletter, find us on Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, YouTube or follow us on Twitter for all the info!